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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cop killer a "chaotic patriot" ? Faces death penalty

After a five day trial, Steven Bixby (39) of South Carolina has been convicted of the shooting deaths of two police officers that were at his parents home over an argument regarding 20-feet of land that would be used to widen a highway. Bixby's mother (Rita Bixby, 74) was charged as an accessory due to the fact that she had prior knowledge of the father and son threatening to shoot police if they stepped on their land (even though she wasn't home at the time of the murders).

Bixby wrote than 1,500 pages worth of letters to his former girlfriend Alane Taylor with a year of his 2003 arrest. In them, Bixby justifies his actions, calling them "right and correct in God's eyes."

"I started to cry but I got refocused on the job," he wrote to Taylor. "If we had wanted to, that whole day would have been an entire bloodbath."

The letters include ramblings about the significance of some numbers, including mathematical equations involving his birth date, age and length of jail time.

He says God "wants all the evil to be exposed" and mentions a premonition of the shootout: "I saw this in a dream about a month before it happened."

"We the people are a majority," Bixby wrote. "The laws were made to protect us from the police."

Bixby now faces the death penalty.

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